Interview with the Communists of Yemen
1. Question: What is the legacy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and Marxism-Leninism ...
What Does the Congolese Communist Party (PCCO) Want?
By Sylvère Boswa Isekombe, Secretary General of the PCCO The PCCO wants the people to ...
Torkil Lauesen for Junge Welt: “The driving force will be the Global South”
This interview has been originally published in German by Junge Welt and it is available ...
Neither liberal nor social democratic policies have a structured approach to understanding imperialism, including its ecological history
Max Ajl does not bite his tongue, neither when he writes nor when he speaks. ...
Report on Mini-Conference “Anti-Imperialism in Sweden”
Samidoun Gothenburg organized an anti-imperialist conference at Viktoriahuset in Gothenburg, Sweden on May 7th to ...
Rania Khalek and Torkil Lauesen: Ugly Truth of “Swedish Model”
Rania Khalek and Torkil Lauesen discuss Scandinavian imperialism, the origin of the Danish and Swedish ...
Mini-conference: Anti-Imperialism in Sweden?
Samidoun Gothenburg has organised an open study circle on the book Riding the Wave: Sweden’s ...
In Honour and Memory of Professor Donald Clelland
As activists who strive to bring about a new just and egalitarian society, we seek ...
Torkil Lauesen: “El estado de bienestar no volverá”
El 5 de junio se celebraron elecciones parlamentarias en Dinamarca y se formó un gobierno ...
Torkil Lauesen: “The welfare state will not come back”
Parliamentary elections were held in Denmark on the 5th of June and a Social democrat ...